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Our goal is to give instructors the tools, resources, and professional development opportunities they need to assist all students to develop into lifelong readers.
What resources are required to deliver the lessons?
The curriculum guidebook for their grade level is required reading for every classroom teacher. Since the lectures are oral and aural, no student resources are required to deliver them. Each academic year, the curriculum manual can be used after a single purchase.
MyHeggerty offers educators the ongoing assistance and materials they require to faithfully implement the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness programme.
MyHeggerty has just been updated to cover all accessible grade levels and languages, as well as the digital curriculum for 2020 and 2022.
A variety of online services are accessible with an annual subscription:
Digital Curriculum – All levels of the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness curriculum are available online in both English and Spanish (2022 and 2020 editions). Lesson plans cannot be printed or downloaded, nor are they available for offline access.
Professional Development – Self-paced On-Demand PD modules and skill instructional videos are already built into the system.
Daily Lesson Videos: A Heggerty literacy specialist teaches 25 hours of recorded lessons.
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Hagerty presently has ten different discount coupons available on their website. The top Hagerty discount for today is a 20% discount.
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